6 Tips to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

 As a manager and entrepreneur, you might often wonder about the best ways to improve productivity. A scientific study has proved that organizations can easily double the number of engaged employees and obtain 147% higher revenue than their competitors.

Every business in the world is trying to improve productivity among its employees. Forbes has reported that employees who are more engaged with their company are 27% more likely, to achieve “excellent” performance ratings. Thus it is essential to improve productivity in the workplace by taking the right steps for your business. Let us look at the six best methods to improve productivity in the workplace below.

What are the best methods to improve productivity in the workplace?

#1 Right Tools to Enhance Employee Productivity

If your employees are not equipped with the right tools for productivity, they won’t function as efficiently as you’d hope. The powerful tools that your employees need to improve productivity fall under three categories which are:

  • Collaboration and productivity tools
  • Communication tools
  • Time tracking tools

Communication tools help your team stay in touch with one another, especially with clients and external stakeholders. Time tracking tools allow you and your employees to track how much time is usually spent on each task.

#2 More Motivation for Better Productivity

Motivation and productivity are very closely intertwined with one another. The reason is quite simple; motivated employees are much more productive. If you want your employees to be more productive, you need to motivate them and eliminate all the motivation killers. It is essential to identify the motivation killers of your company, and some of the significant factors that will bring your company down are:

  • Malicious employees who only bring everyone down
  • Stressed out due to lack of support or being overworked

#3 Avoiding Micromanaging the Taskforce

Micromanaging has the potential to slow everything down, and it is tough for employees to be efficient if you have to double-check everything that needs to be done. It is crucial to oversee projects for your team whenever your team needs you, improving productivity. The best solution to improve productivity is to strive to find an excellent balance between being a hands-on-manager and stepping back by trusting your team. If you are still very inclined to micromanage, then you need to try out tips to resolve the problem such as:

  • Hiring people whose skills, judgment, and professionalism that you trust the most
  • Providing clear and easy-to-follow instructions for your team

#4 Making the Most out of Meetings

It would be best if you got more out of your meetings, as unnecessary meetings usually end up wasting more time in the workplace than anything else. It is vital to cut short on all the meetings that are hindering productivity. You should take the correct steps to improve productivity for your business. Whenever you do hold a meeting, it is essential to create a schedule and stick to it.

. By respecting everyone’s time and following the agenda, you can substantially reduce wasted time at your organization. You must invest the time and effort to plan your meetings accordingly to reduce wasted time substantially.

#5 Mitigating Distractions

Everybody gets distracted sometimes, as that’s the fundamental human nature. However, it becomes a severe issue if distractions are hampering productivity in your workplace. It is crucial not to be harsh, as it will harm your employees’ motivation and make them feel like they are being treated like children. It is vital to create equitable and sensible guidelines to improve productivity rather than eliminating every possible distraction.

#6 Encouraging Wellness

Every employee is much happier and productive when their physical and mental health is well taken care of. It is crucial to advocate for wellness initiatives at your workplace, as it will improve productivity among your employees. Here are some of the significant ways that you can do so by advocating for wellness initiatives in your workplace:

  • Ensure that all of your employees have health insurance.
  • They are providing a robust employee assistance program where everybody who is struggling can confidentially gain support.
  • Getting more significant discounts on gym memberships or fitness programs
  • Providing healthy snacks such as fruits and dry fruits in the break room

Golden Rules to improve Productivity in the Workplace

Here are the six golden rules to improve productivity in the workplace, which are:

  • Making sure that everybody has the tools that they need
  • Figuring out the major motivation killers in your team and minimizing the risk
  • Resisting the Temptation to Micromanage
  • Conducting only essential meetings with your employees
  • Taking more extraordinary steps to minimize distractions
  • Encouraging and supporting employees to take care of their mental health

Final Thoughts

If you want to improve your workplace productivity, you need to grow your business and maximize your team’s productivity. Increased productivity means having lesser stress, higher revenue, and a happier environment at the workplace. Read more : http://www.gofounders.net

To improve productivity in the workplace is an important metric to focus on, and by minimizing distractions, you can also improve overall productivity in the workplace.

Improving productivity in the office is not something that happens overnight. However, by taking all the necessary steps, you will start seeing incremental changes at your office. By supporting your employees, you will gain their loyalty and productivity tenfold.  


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