How GoFounders helps in Remote Working of Staff

With the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, employers are considering implementing a distributed team culture. Companies around the world are forced to practice remote work exercise. The health benefits of remote working remote are only coming to light in hard times like these. According to GoFounders, the top concern of any company should be about the safety of their employees, and there is no need for a virus outbreak to tell us that telecommuting is safer.

Here is how to adapt your entire staff to work remotely and assure everything in your business runs just as well as it was.

Improvise and Adapt To New Conditions

If there is no right plan, you're going to fail. Hoping that the pandemic stops increasing doesn't count as planning. But neither does provide your workers with laptops and telling them to work from home. You should start planning a remote work strategy by analyzing and evaluating exactly how things will run. Think about your routine and those of your staff members.

It is also important that you also consider other scenarios. To increase the chances of remaining functional, you must plan a strategy for all the employees to work remotely. Classify the duties equally and strategize the overall plan to get everything in order. Try and see if other methods would allow employees to do these remotely as well.

2. Establish Communication Protocols

To completely optimize your work from home strategy, you must keep your team members in the loop and aware of new circumstances. Spend some time on setting up new communication protocols that serve seamless collaboration.

Collect all contact information so that everyone can be easily reached at work hours. Decide on a primary communication channel. Several platforms work wonders for your team to collaborate efficiently. Discuss how customer service employees are expected to move on with clients and leads.

Last but certainly not least, it's vital that you establish time and how your team can get together and coordinate online. Meetings often take up a significant part of several employees' days. With the help of online tools like ONPASSIVE video conferencing and other available online tools come in handy while taking professional meetings and finishing it crisp and clear.

3. Streamline Your Software Stack

To help your team members, while working from home, give them the right tools to work to make sure that everything goes well. To achieve this, you must focus on auditing your available software. Then solve any identified gaps in access and adoption of the software.

Determine the comfort level and performance of the applications your team uses on a daily basis. This includes everything such as communication, workflow tools, and much more tools that keep the work running smoothly. Each part of your "productivity puzzle" should help in coordinating targets, holding team members accountable and keeping everything transparent.

4. Promote A Remote Work Company Culture

When going remote, a few team members may feel a sense of isolation. Company culture can help a lot in combating this issue by implementing cohesion. Build a supportive environment that helps in the progress of this goal, and if your business is new to remote work, it will take a while for them to adjust to the new scenario. Give your employees extra time to learn the tools and skills they need to succeed. Guide them by periodically sending out tutorial content and opportunities regarding remote work.

In meetings, make sure everybody is active and is being heard. Engagement and participation are the two main assets to accomplish this. Each team member should participate and should be given the opportunity to discuss their opinion. Get more details on team building activities with the GoFounders with easy steps.

5 Embrace Remote Work to Strengthen Your Business

Situations like these can be scary for everyone. And they can have adverse effects on your businesses. Preparing your company for remote work can help you avoid many of the complex issues that could arise from future troublesome events. Plan ahead now to stay strong in ever-changing circumstances. Even if there is no change in the current situation, at least you will be organized, flexible and charged to rise to any upcoming occasion that affects your business's operational flow.

Link Tracking

Link tracking is the primary reason to shorten a link. The most reliable technology to track links from click to conversion has got to be GoFounders.
You can recognize how many real visitors clicked on a link versus the number of bots. This provides you with more accurate data of real visitors coming to your website and the conversion rate. You can receive a daily breakdown and even a geographical one.

A business can grow remotely, often with better outcomes than in-office companies would. This is possible if you first place the employees at the core of your business activities. You’ll need to identify the right people and put in enough training to help them learn and understand what and when they need to delegate keeping the standards where they’re expected to be.

Let us remind you that the performance while working from home is not accidental and, yes, your workers will need some time to get accustomed to this new way of work. All companies who’ve already achieved work from home activities have made a name for themselves as top remote work employers. If there’s one thing you need to take away from this article with GoFounders, it’s how going remote/ working from home will only work if everyone who’s onboard is willing to make it work.


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